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Authors in Everyman's Library


Select an author below to view their works which are available in the Everyman's Library catalog (between 1906 and 1982).


Abbott Donne Kant Rabelais
Aeschylus Dostoyevsky Keats Radcliffe
Aimard Dowden Keble Reade
Ainsworth Doyle Kempis Reid
Alcott Dryden King Renan
Andersen Du Maurier King Edward VI Reynolds
Anson Dufferein Kinglake Ricardo
Aquinas Dumas Kingsley Richardson
Aristophanes Duruy Kingston Roberts
Aristotle Eckermann Kipling Robertson
Arnold Eddington Kirby (tr) Robinson
Augustine Edgar La Fontaine Roget
Aurelius Edgeworth Lamb, C. Roper & Harpsfield
Austen Edwardes Lamb, C. and M. Rossetti
Bacon Eliot Landor Rousseau
Bagehot Ellis Lane Ruskin
Baker Elyot Langland Russell
Ballantyne Emerson Latimer Saki
Balzac Epicetus Law Sand
Barbusse Erckmann-Chatrian Lawrence Scheffel
Barrie Erickson Layamon Scott, M.
Bartholomew Euclid Le Sage Scott, W.
Bates Euripides Leibniz Seebohm
Baxter Evans (tr) Leslie Seeley
Beaumont Evelyn Lessing Sevigne
Beaumont, Fletcher Ewing Lever Sewell
Bede Faraday Lewes Shakespeare
Belloc Ferrier Lewis Shaw
Belt Fielding Lincoln Shchedrin
Bennett Finlay Livy Shelley, M.
Berkeley Flaubert Locke Shelley, P.
Berlioz Ford, R. Lockhart Sheppard
Binns Forster, E.M. Longfellow Sheridan
Bjornson Forster, J. Loti Shorter
Blackmore Fox Lover Sienkiewicz
Blackwell France Lowell Sismondi
Blake Franklin, B. Lucretius Smeaton
Bligh Franklin, J. Lützow Smith, A.
Boccaccio Freeman Lyell Smith, G.
Boehme Froissart Lynd Smollett
Bonaparte Froude Lytton Somerville and Ross
Borrow Galsworthy Macaulay Sophocles
Boswell Galt Macdonald Southey
Boult Galton Machiavelli Speke
Boyle Gaskell Maine Spencer
Bright Gatty Malory Spenser
Brontë, A. George Malthus Spinoza
Brontë, C. Gibbon Mandeville Spyri
Brontë, E. Gilchrist Mann St. Francis
Brooke Gilfillan Manning Stanley
Brooks Giraldus Cambrensis Manzoni Steele
Brown Gissing Marlowe Stendhal
Browne Gleig Marryat Sterne
Browning Goethe Martineau Stevenson
Buchanan Gogol Martinengo-Cesaresco Stow
Bulfinch Goldsmith Marx Stowe
Bunyan Goncharov Maugham Strickland
Burke Gore Maupassant Strindberg
Burnet Gorki Maurice Sturluson
Burney Gotthelf Mazzini Surtees
Burns Gracian Melville Swedenborg
Burton, R. Gray Meredith Swift
Burton, R. F. Green Merivale Swinburne
Butler, J. Grimm Micklewicz Swinnerton
Butler, S. Grossmith Mignet Synge
Buxton Grote Mill Tacitus
Byron Hahnemann Miller Taylor
Caesar Hakluyt Milman Tchekov
Calderón de la Barca Hallam Milton Tennyson
Canton Hamilton Mitford Thackeray
Carlyle Hardy Moliere Thierry
Carroll Harte Mommsen Thomas
Castiglione Harvey Monmouth Thoreau
Cavendish Hawthorne Montagu Thucydides
Cellini Hazlitt Montaigne Tolstoy
Cervantes Hebbel Moore Tomlinson
Chaucer Heine More Trench
Chesterfield Heliodorus Morier Trollope
Chesterton, C. Helps Morris Trotter
Chesterton, G. K. Herbert Motley Troyes
Cibber Herodotus Mulock Turgenev
Cicero Herrick Neale Twain
Clare Hobbes Nelson Tyndall
Clarke, C. Holinshed Newman Tytler
Clarke, M. Holmes, E. Nietzsche Vasari
Cobbett Holmes, O. W. Oliphant Verne
Coleridge Homer Osborne Villehardouin
Collins Hooker Ovid Villon
Collodi Hope Owen Virgil
Conrad Horace Paine Voltaire
Converse Houghton Palgrave Wakefield
Cook Howard, E. Paltock Walpole, Horace
Cooper Howard, J. Park Walpole, Hugh
Cousin Howells Parkman Walton
Cowper Hudson Pascal Waterton
Cox Hughes Pater Webster and Ford
Craik Hugo Peacock Wells
Creasy Hume Pearson Wesley
Crèvecoeur Hunt Penn White
Curtis Hutchinson, L. Pepys Whitman
Dana Hutchinson, W. M. L. Percy Whyte-Meville
Dante Huxley, A. Pinnow Wilde
Darwin Huxley, T. H. Pirandello Wollstonecraft; Mill
Dasent Ibsen Pitt Wood
Daudet Ingelow Plato Woolf
De La Mare Ingoldsby (Barham) Plutarch Woolman
De Quincey Irving Poe Wordsworth
De Retz James, G. P. R Polo Wright
De Rojas James, H. Pope Wyss
Defoe Jefferies Prescott Xenophon
Demosthenes Jerome Prevost, Merrimee Yonge
Dennis Johnson Priestley Young
Descartes Jonson Proctor Zola
Dickens Josephus Prothero  
Disraeli Juvenal Pushkin  
Dodge Kalidasa Quiller-Couch  

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